Thursday, February 18, 2010

menang tiket javajazz ! yippiiieeee !

hari rabu 17 feb 2010, ada kuis di yang berhadiah 2 tiket friday daily pass !

javajazz: Challenge # 5: Ajak 8 teman kamu untuk membuat tulisan "JAVAJAZZ". Foto & post di Koprol. 2 post yg kreatif, cepet, most commented, WIN!

eh langsung kepikiran !
oh iya, hr ini kan mau ketemuan sm temen2, ikutan ah !

hihi berani maluuuuuuuuuuu.. akhirnya bikin foto ini di wendy's senayan city.. bodo amat deh diliatin orang, gak bakal ketemu lagi ini :p

bootylicious: voila ! @ and @javajazz.. there were only 5 of us.. ayok dikomen doong teman teman ! :D

nekat banget pokonya, udah cuma berlima (harusnya ber delapan), eh huruf2nya pake kertas pula ! (harusnya badannya membentuk huruf gitu) hihihi..
trs kan profile gue di set private, hrsnya public biar banyak yg komen ! huhuhu.. yasudahlah pasrah.. kalo menang ya syukur, nggak berarti bukan rejekinya..

sempet drop pas liat saingan yang super niat ngajak temen2 kantornya !

nah looohhh.. tambah pasrah ! hahahaha..

ehh akhirnya pas deket2 makan siang, ada postingan dari javajazz :

javajazz: Hello Kops! The winner of challenge #5 is @arikeren and @bootylicious. Nicely done, congrats guys!

yaaaaaaaaaaaaay ! aku menang ! :D :D

tp tadinya yang hadiahnya 2 tiket, cm jadi dpt masing2 satu.. mungkin krn yg ikut cm kita berdua dan ga tega kalo salah satu hrs kalah kali yaaaa ? hahaha..
anywaaaaaaaaaaaay pokonya gue menang ! tadinya ga niat ntn javajazz taun ini, eh ternyata dpt rejeki, Alhamdulillah..

makanyaaaa ikutan, suka bagi2 hadiah lebih banyak lhoooooooo ! siapa tau kamu selanjutnya ;)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

how to really love a child

promise i will, son and daughter ! :)

super notes !

got these super notes from a friend

this one called COW LOVER : A "Cow Lover You Are" Test

and this one called The Science of Technical Cowtology

A) The Eyes : The cow eyes reflect of affection, looks like "hug me, please...", when you see at the eyes
B) The Antlers :The Antlers. I don't know exactly what the antlers from, but the scientist tell, they're from calcium. Hard and strong like bone.
C) The Nose : The cow nose isn't sensitive like dog. In nose you can find nostrills. Hairy at nose skin.
D) The Body : The cow body. It's about 200-400 lbs weight, and 2-3 mtr round. The body skin is hairy also, but smoother than nose.
E) The Legs : The number of cow legs are 4. Not less, not more. At the legs tip, there's hoof. The color of holf is black.

super cuteness ! thank you so much mba lia ! :D :D

Friday, February 5, 2010

one year

i can not believe that we meet again until now
a year is a start, we still have a long long way to go, years to pass
let's make it beautiful, super love :)